mask wear & your skin

Three weeks into our new normal, I missed my old self. Although, I loved, a shower, a braid of hair and out the door in 20 mins flat. I missed my old normal, a shower, primp of hair & full make-up out the door in a respectful hour. My old routine made me feel confident. One of my main goals is to make others feel better externally. How can I do that, when I feel so "blah" under my protection?
COVID 19 has changed that confidence. I absolutely couldn't do the N95 for all clients within the first few days, we opened. I met with my clients. Within two days, I felt bruised when I externally palpated my lungs. I'm asked daily, "Do you know anyone that has COVID"?. My answer is yes. My husband is friends with someone that lost a brother. There are also many other hot spots near us right now. If I feel the client puts us at risk against COVID, I do increase my protection & I would wear the N95 mask.
if a positive person needed my assistance for any reason, I would use my most extreme protection.
Today, 6/8/20, I wanted to feel better externally at work. I continue to double mask and wear a shield to do my part in keeping us both safe. I wear tinted SPF & continue with a bronzer, not my full make-up wear, but I felt better with a bit of color under the mask, today. My mask is disposable after all what could it hurt.
Let's think moisture, darkness beneath the mask and my skin. I felt when I was wearing the mask, I was sealing in the moisture. This creates a moist, humid environment as it traps your breath, skin cells, skin oils and sweat, leading to rashes, a build up bacteria, that may develop into acne. Let's just say, I washed my face as soon as I got home.
I've seen at least 3 people that have broken out most likely due to the mask.
Within hours my face felt dull & clogged today. As soon as, I was able to wash, I washed. I know heat generated from the mask will only contribute to an unbalanced skin pH & break-outs. if your skin does not balance with just this advice, schedule a visit. Remember to add an exfoliant at least two times a week. We love our Sebuwash & Acne AC&E oil. If you've changed your skin routine lately, we may need to trace it back to the basics. Sincerely,.
Lori Nedelman